Catalogación del Titulo
Record type [005]:S
Description level [006]:s
Institutuion code [010]:Catalis
Related data bases [040]:CARPC^c4217
TITLE [100]:Revista da Comisión Galega do Quinto Centenario /
Name of issuing body [140]:Comisión Galega do Quinto Centenario.
Abbreviated title [150]:Revista da Comisión Galega do Quinto Centenario
Start date [301]:No. 1.
Country of publication code [310]:??
Publication level [330]:CT
Alphabet of original title [340]:b
Language of publication [350]:ES
Frequency [380]:#
Current ISSN [400]:84-453-0031-8
Publisher [480]:Presidencia da Xunta de Galicia ; Secretaría xeral de relacións coas Comunidades Galegas
Place of publication [490]:Santiago de Compostela
Record creation date [940]:20240426
Record modification date [941]:20240426